Types of Variable
Working with Variables in APPSeCONNECT
To facilitate processflow mapping, you can take the advantage of using variables that stores the data temporarily during the transformation process.
, variables are of 3 types - Root Variables, Root Entity Variables, and Variables
1. Root Variables
- Stores values returned from complex Xpath expression which can be used later in the mapping.
- Root Variables can be used under any entity within the processflow.
2. Root Entity Variables
- A root entity variable is a variable that is value specific to every iteration.
- Usually used for duplicate checks.
- Root Entity Variables can be used under any entity within the processflow.
3. Variables
- Also called local variables, which can be applied to a specific Complex Object or Complex Object Collection under which this variable is defined.
Scenario explanation of each types of variables
Scenario explanation for Root Variable
While integrating two applications for adding Business Partners
from Magento 2 to SAP Business One
, the mapping for the variable is done to hold the addresses of
each business partners for every iteration. Here the Root Variable is mapped in the ComplexObject BPAddresses
in the form of an XPATH, which when called,
implements the other attributes of that complex object based on the address of the business partner, stored in the variable.
Variable name used : $CustomerAddresses
Variable Mapping defined : [sourcelib:SetCustomerAddressItems()]
Variable Description : This a Root variable which holds the addresses of the customers that are fetched using the Source function SetCustomerAddressItems().
Variable used in : BPAdresseses(Complex Object)
Xpath syntax provided for BPAdresses
Mapping Description : The Root variable is declared and defined with a source function to store the address. The variable is called in the complexobject mapping in the form of xpath, to access all the nodes and attributes of that complex object.
Scenario Explanation for Root Entity Variable
To avoid duplicate details for an item that has already been synced, Root Entity Variables is defined for restricting the duplicate details as well as to hold the new details of the product that is yet to be synced.
Variable name used : $MaxDate
Variable Mapping defined
Variable Description : Using this function, the current date and time in the format yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss is triggered.
Here, Xpath is used where the complete packet is fetched based on the packet xpath provided, for that time and date and position.
Scenario Explanation for Variable
For every iteration of an entity (complex object or a complex object collection), the variable stores complex data for that entity. Assuming, the iteration position value is being hold in a variable. The variable is then called in an attribute, which is present under the same entity as that of the variable. The mapping is done for the attribute along with the variable for implementing the mapping.
Variable initialized in the ComplexObject : BPAddresses > row
Variable name used : $addressposition
Variable Mapping defined
Variable Description : This variable, holds the position of the execution order.
Variable used in : Attribute name (AddressName)
Xpath provided for the attribute
Mapping Description : The variable AddressNames is called which directly accesses the names under the node Items,
which is executed according to the position value present in the variable $Addresposition.