Mapping from Schema 1 to Schema 2



1 minute read

Use-Case Name

Attribute Mapping with Schema 1 (OLEDB Technology APP) and Schema 2 (REST Application - Magento 2)

Brief Description

Two different Application has been created one being an OLEDB Technology app and the other one is the REST based application MAGENTO 2. Here Schema 1 is created for the OLEDB app and its attributes created are mapped with the attributes of the Schema 2 (Magento 2).


Implementers, Developers, Partners


Organisation Creation & Connection Creation.

Basic Flow

  1. Login to the APPSeCONNECT Portal and create a connection with the application for which the mapping is to be done.
  2. Create an OLEDB Technology App
  3. Create the schema and its action for the OLEDB App
  4. Create the connection between the two apps.
  5. OLEDB is a technology application so Touchpoint is required to be created.
  6. Now the touchpoint is created. Navigate to the Transformation section for implementing the attribute Mapping. schema1-schema2mapping
  7. The above scenario defines, that the attribute default_billing of Magento 2 is here mapped with the source attribute BPAddresses of the app OLEDB for the easy transformation of the Schema that contains the address of the Business Partner.


The user can view the successful sync of the touchpoint Customer Add for the connection OLEDB Technology App and Magento 2.

Exception Courses

The user can view the error logs in the RESYNC Bucket of the agent (Cloud and OP), if the touchpoint fails to sync for any cases.

Frequency of Use

The user can sync the touchpoint whenever required.


Not Applicable